Sunday, January 11, 2009


My grandkids mostly come in pairs. Not Twins! They each have a cousin that was born within a few months of them, with one exception.

Cj. Cj is the oldest by a couple of years. She had to start the ball rolling all by herself.

Livy and Kaitlyn came next.

Then Brynn and Jeston

Mia and Addy are our Drama queens. Actually, I could say that about all the girls and half the boys.

Sam and Jared showed up, we were happy for more boys.

Porter and India.

Then Luke and Xander

Then Reid and Ellie.

Finally, Mirabella and Brigg. They are a little farther apart than the other pairs, but I still count them.

I took most of these pictures during dinner at the cabin, and some of the kids were not willing to tear themselves away from the food for a pic. I'm not 100 percent sure I got the pairs right.
I have 1 more grand-pair coming this year, one in March and one in June. Which
reminds the cabin, we have to be careful of the water, there just isn't enough when there are a lot of people there. The rule is "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down" . Inspite of that, we ran out of water. Poor pregnant Val was morning sick and came out of the bathroom apologizing because she just threw up and could not flush it down. Russell asked what color it was, if it was yellow, there was no problem!


  1. oh, what cute kids we have!! It's kind of weird that they each have a buddy like that. One of us needs to adopt a 10 yr old.

  2. I vote that Andy and Joe adopt the 10 year old! That would be so cool!

  3. Ha Ha Ha Ha. Darling pairs! Remind me not to invite myself to your family cabin when you are ALL there!

  4. You have such adorable grandkids! And so many! Wow! That is such a weird kwinkydink how they have come out in pairs like that. Your daughter and daughter-in-laws have figured out it is more fun being pregnant a Prego Club. That way they are not the "fat" one all alone. Misery enjoys company. LOL :)

    I agree that Mia and Addy seem like the drama queens. I have never met them but they have that sparkle in their eyes that gives them away!

    And if I am ever invited to the cabin I will be staying at the hotel with the old folks aka the smart cookies!

  5. Water: Our solution woould be AN OUTHOUSE. We have one at our cabin. For the wimps, we provide shovels.
    Pairs: You lucky devil!!
    Quilt Studio: I know where you can get a real job to pay for all of those right brain endeavors. Really, I envy your passion.
